Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hi everyone, We had a great day today. Buffet breakfast at the hotel to start with an amazing assortment especially the breads and cheeses. We got on the bus at 8am. First stop Notre Dame Cathederal. Had a local guide for the day, toured the cathedral and took lots of pics, this is an amazing building but no Quazimoto. Guide says he is not real but I saw the movie. Back to the bus and toured around Paris and saw all the famous buildings. Went around the Arc de Triumph then to the Eiffel tower and got pictures from the second platform which is 400 feet high. This afternoon we went to Versailles palace which is about 20 miles out of town. It was amazing and I can see now why the people revolted causing the revolution as the Royals sure knew how to spend money. I have lots of pictures I will add later. Susan is itchy to go shopping this evening so check later for pictures.

1 comment:

  1. booo... i'm very jealous that you saw Versailles... i hope you took a ton of pics
