Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday Sept 23rd

Today we went to the Churchill Museum and Cabinet war rooms. The war rooms have been preserved as is since the end of the war and only opened in the 90`s. There is an audio guide which tells you all about how Churchill and his staff ran everything from here during WW2. This is underground with a cement roof and buildings over the top. The Museum was really interactive and hi tech and you could find out anything about WW2 and Churchill. The kids went to the stop where they were supposed to meet the photo guide but could not find him so came back early. I emailed the lady and she says the guide was there and was looking for them. She says they can go Friday or Saturday. This afternoon we toured Westminister Abbey with the kids. There is and Audio guide here also which explains everything. Lots of Monuments and Toombs and Susan was creeped out. It rained this morning for the first time on our trip but is not this afternoon. The kids are gone to the Tate Modern and Susan and I are off to our farewell Pub dinner and river cruise with our tour group. We hope to have Sarah play the pipes for everyone when we return this evening. Sorry no pictures but will post lots later.

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