Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday Sept 21

Hi Guys, Not to busy a day today compared to most. We left our hotel about 8am after a nice breakfast. The only stop we made was at the Capole which is a cement bunker built into a rock quarry that the Nazis use to prepare and launch the V2 rockets to London and other cities. Fortunately the French Resistance found out about the bunker and the Allies bombed it continuously. They did not damage the dome itself due to the fact the concrete was so thick. They did manage to kill hundreds of slaves the Nazis had who were building and repairing the railway tracks leading into the bunkers. This place was amazing I could not take nearly enough of it in as we only had 1 and one half hours. I could have spent a day here. Lots of rockets and equipment inside with videos and lots of displays. Look it up on the inet if you get a chance. Next we went to the ferry at Calais and crossed to Dover. Beautiful day about 22 degrees so we had a great boat ride. Got to see the White Cliffs of Dover from  the ferry and got lots of pictures. I will post yesterday and todays pictures later today. Arrived at our hotel about 4pm. It is beautiful with a great location right at the end of Westminister bridge just across from the Big Ben on the South side of the Thames. We walked up the South Bank and had dinner at  a pizza restaurant which was very good. Walked down the side for about 1 mile then crossed Blackfriars bridge and walked up the North side to Westminister bridge. Tomorrow I am off to Heathrow to pick up the kids at 7.30am. I bought the Underground tickets tonight for a week as we are here for 6 days.


  1. Sorry the name of the bunker is La Coupole. I asked Susan how to spell it but that was a mistake as you all know how well she spells.

  2. I looked it up - wow! Found some great aerial shots, too. Said goodbye to your kids earlier, they're hoping to scam their way into first class haha - hope they do!

  3. I am off to pick them up right now. Susan is staying with the tour this morning. I will meet them this afternoon at the war museum and take the kids there to if their up to it.
