Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Sept 22

Hi There, I am still in charge whether Ryan knows it or not. Their airplane landed at 7.30 but they didn't appear til at least 9.30. Customs was really slow and they were detained because they are minors. They paged me on the loudspeaker to report to the info desk. I talked to the customs lady and they were released, I thought about not bailing them out but knew what a hassle Susan would give me if I came back without them. After going to a restaurant on the South Bank and feeding them Susan and I went with our group to the Imperial War Museum. Really a neat place with lots of real airplanes and tanks. Lots of exhibits about both wars and each front had their own sections. This evening Sarah, Ryan and I went on the Jack the Ripper walk with London Walks. It was very informative and through a really neat part of town with narrow streets lots of pubs and ethnic restaurants but was not scary at all. Susan stayed with the tour group this morning and toured the downtown area by bus. They saw the Changing of the Guard and were inside St. Pauls Cathedral. Susan and I also went to the Wed evening prayer service at Westminister Abbey at 5pm which lasted about an hour. Tomorrow is the last day of our tour. We do a bus tour to various sites and go inside the Winston Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms. We also have a dinner with a river cruise after dinner. Ryan and Sarah go on the Hairy Goat Photography Tour at 11 tomorrow which goes to various parts of downtown where they show people how to take unique pictures of the area. They plan to visit the Tate Modern art museum in the afternoon. I will post photos of London tomorrow I hope.

1 comment:

  1. When do you get to rest? Oh yeah, when you get home :) I'll be expecting lots of unique pictures from the kids.
