Thursday, September 23, 2010

My trip so far... by the lovely, beautiful and talented Sarah Elise.

Hey Everyone... you guys are probably wondering about out ``quest for first class``... when ryan asked, there was only one left :( so I spent the night on a lovely economy seat...  the person in front of me reclinedd his chair and the person behind but her knees on mine... not a blast. The food was suprisinly good though and I got alot of homework done. When we landed in London, there was another plane in our gate, so we waited a while, then the gate arm wouldn`t start, so we waited a while, then the plane door wouldn`t open, so they tried the other door which only happens halfway. Well that was a good hour spent sitting on the plane. We spent almost 2 hours in customs line, just to be detained by the Brittish border patrol. Half hour later, we were released from ``custody``. I guess we were supposed to be `` unaccomponied minors`` so we should have gotten buisness class seats and had an escort to the front of the customs line... FML
The rest of the trip has been great. Yesterday we came back tot he hotel room and slept the afternoon away, then went on a plesantly informative Jack the Ripper walk. Today, mum and dad were on their tour, so Ryan and I explored the north end of the city, got propaganda posters and shirt ( Keep calm and carry on) at the War Cabinet then went to the Tate modern... which makes more sense than it did last time. With Mum and Dad we went to Westminster abbey, here`s my list of famous dead people who`s memorials and graves I saw...
-Richard III
-Edward III
-Mary Queen of Scots
- Elizabeth 1 (ironicaly right across the hall from mary)
-Henry VIII
- Oliver Cromwell
- Lewis Carroll
- Isaac Newton
- Charles Darwin
I also ( with my 1953 and 1937 coronation mags) stood in the exact spot where liz and george were coronated... cool eh?


  1. Glad you escaped custody! It's fun roaming the streets of London, isn't it? Hope you enjoy the rest of your adventure!

  2. I TOLD Ryan to keep the bomb talk to a minimum!! Glad you had a good trip over - so jealous of your trip to Westminster Abbey. Going to look at your pics now :)
