Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday Sept 21 Pictures

Cloth Hall and Cathedral in Ypres at Sunset

Last Post at Menin Gate they close the road each night at 8pm for this ceremony daily since WW1

Beds at Ardene Hotel in Ypres beautiful hotel

Our Belgian Guide at Ypres and Passchendale very knowledgeable

Tyne Cot Cemetery in Passchendale

Old Windmill near Ypres

St. Julian Memorial near Ypres

Grave of a 15 year old soldier in cemetery where John MacRae wrote In Flanders Fields

Bunker where John MacRae did field dressings

Street in Ypres

R. Simpson a unknown grave soldier one of 55,000 whose names are on the Menin Gate

The Menin Gate in Ypres

Cloth Hall in Ypres where In Flanders Field Museum is located

Our French tour guide Vic between our vets Frank and Al
Tyne Cot Cemetery the flowers were beautiful 


  1. Great photos, Bruce. Especially like the photo of Cloth Hall at sunset and the moon in the London Eye.

  2. Thank K I really liked Ypres and the Cloth hall is an impressive bldg.
