Saturday, September 18, 2010


This morning we went to the Canadian museum at Dieppe where we saw a video, toured the museum and had a short explanation by two french vets. One of them spoke excellent English and he explained alot about the Dieppe landing in 1942. When we left Dieppe and headed northeast we started the WW1 part of our tour. Next was the city of Amiens where we visited the Notre Dame Cathederal of Ameins and Memorial to allies in the church. This church is huge, I have pictures and will post them. It must be at least 150 feet high to the ceiling. We had some free time to explore downtown on foot. We stopped at a sandwich shop for lunch. We stopped at Le Grande Crater which is just what it sounds like. The allies dug down deep below the german supply trenches and blew up a massive amount of explosives which in turn detonated the german explosives. The results are a massive crater about 100 ft deep and 150 feet accross. When we left Amiens our next stop was at Albert which was to photo the church with its hanging spire of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. The statute at the top of the church dangled after a shell hit the church in WW1 during the Battle of the Somme. Next we visited the Newfoundland Memorial at Beaumont Hamel which is a battlefield presserved by Canada where about 800 Newfoundland troops where killed on July 1 1916 during the battle of the Somme. This place is actually Canadian soil so we were back in Canada. We walked in the trenches and visited the memorials and graveyards on the site. We stopped to take pictures at the Canadian Memorial at Drury. All the memorials and graveyards are immaculate. Our government has a commission which looks after them and it makes you proud to be a Canadian. There are tons of Cemetarys all over the countryside from every nation. Most of them look to be well maintained by their country. The country here is beautiful with rolling hills and great farmland. Lots of potatoes grown here, and all kinds of crops, lots of cows and apples as well. Tonight we arrived to our hotel in Arras where we will stay two nights. Tomorrow Vimy Ridge but we sleep in until 8.30.


  1. I'm enjoying your tour very much. Excellent pictures and a concise,informative travelogue.


    The first tune is called The Taking of Beaumont Hamel...

  3. Thanks Mike, I will also be able to look back in the future and remember from this. The tour has been great, the days are really to full but they have to do that to get everything in.
