Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Sept 19th cont'd

We stopped at a German cemetery which contains 44,800 German soldiers. It is the largest German Cemetery from WW1. There are 4 soldiers buried at each small cross with their names on the parallel part of the cross and the same on the back side. I found it interesting to see there were also Jewish soldiers with the Star of David buried here. I guess they were part of the army during WW1 but not good enough for Hitler in WW2. We got back on the bus and visited the village of Monchy and the Newfoundland Memorial  complete with a Caribou statue. Supper at the hotel in Arras tonight then on to Ypres, Belgium tomorrow to visit Flanders Fields, Passchendale and Crest Farm Cemetery and all the sites in Ypres.


  1. Very interesting Bruce and Susan! I hope Susan shakes her cold soon, and Bruce keep her out of the trenches!

  2. Amazing! Even more because you have people on your tour who were in some of these places and can tell their stories. The pictures are beautiful. Sorry Susan isn't feeling well, I can't imagine missing any of it!

  3. At least she has trench mouth and not trench foot which would have to be amputated
